Outdoor Sports Facilities of the German School of Athens l Katerina-Olympia Daskalaki + Myrto Matala

The German School of Athens has embarked on an ambitious endeavor to revamp its outdoor sports facilities, marking a significant milestone in its history. This project clinched the prestigious First Prize in the invited architectural competition centered on the “New Design of the German School of Athens Campus outdoor spaces.” Its primary objective is to seamlessly integrate the existing complex areas with the outdoor athletic facilities, both functionally and aesthetically, aligning with the institution’s updated requirements.

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

The architects behind this massive project share, “The bond we share with our alma mater, the German School of Athens, is deeply personal, having nurtured our growth, development, and maturity. This connection grants us a unique perspective on the institution’s needs and the challenges faced by its outdoor spaces.”

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

Outdoor Sports Facilities of the German School of Athens’ Design Concept

The heart of this transformative vision is the main building, a testament to 1960s modern architectural style. Initially conceived by the German architect Hans Graf Praschma, it was meticulously executed under the watchful eye of Greek architect Pavlos Mylonas. Revitalizing its outdoor spaces enriches the experience for students and athletes, striving to meet the institution’s updated standards.

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

The comprehensive sports facilities include a running track, high jump, long jump, shot put, and a range of tennis, volleyball, handball, and basketball courts. A tennis training wall, bouldering wall, outdoor exercise areas, and slackline complete this impressive array of amenities.

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

The design philosophy hinges on a grid system juxtaposed with a zig-zag line, a polygonal chain that demarcates the German School of Athens’ boundaries. This chain materializes as a continuous line of concrete tribunes and benches, effectively organizing various functions and repurposing neglected areas into vibrant sports zones. The vibrant floorings, featuring a striking combination of blue and yellow shades, underscore the recreational spirit of physical activity, encouraging children to engage in contemporary and lively surroundings.

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

Intricate patterns and lines emerge within the interior area, where the courts are nestled, precisely defining the space. This holistic approach to aesthetics aims to invigorate, reflecting the school’s innovative spirit and enhancing its identity. The architectural proposal, therefore, faces a twofold challenge: marrying functionality with elevated aesthetic excellence, all in service of the German School of Athens’s bright future.

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

© Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris

Source: Arch2O

Words: Arch2O

Photography Credit: © Babis Louizidis, Katerina Glinou, Nikolas Kargadouris


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