Social Matter, Social Design

Social matter, social design challenges the way we look at, think of, and interact with the social world by emphasising the role of materiality. This enlarged field for engagement demands that design incorporates a more nuanced and complex reading of how the social is intertwined with the material, which confronts the often reductive or simplistic notion of ‘social design’, and offers novel forms of critical and meaningful engagement at a time of mounting social contradictions. The essays in this book explore and unveil uncanny, disconcerting or discordant connections, bricolages, assumptions or breaches at critical junctures for transformation. They are centred around four major themes: the body; earth; the political; and technology.


Jan Boelen

A curator, educator, and researcher in art and design. He has been the head of the Master’s department of Social Design at Design Academy Eindhoven (NL) since 2010. In 2019, Jan was elected as the New Rector of Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG). Michael Kaethler is a sociologist of design whose work focuses on the transmission, production, and embodiment of knowledge in art and design-oriented practices.



Designer: Jan Boelen / M. Kaether Eds

Publisher: Valiz

Country: Belgium

Photographs: ©Valiz


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