
The project [RE:Plastiground] reminds people of the impact of individual action directly on the environment through exhibition about all of plastic recycling.

Plastic waste is inevitable in our daily lives. The global plastic recycling rate is only 9.7%, and environmental pollution is getting worse. Even though people know the importance of recycling, people still don't know how to deal plastic waste exactly.

So, RE:plastiground changes people's lifestyle in a new and enjoyable way by creative activities. Visitors experience whole process of plastic recycling — based on the system of the real plastic recycling factory — with their senses.


Juyoung Lee & Juyeon Lee & Meeso Lim

Our team is composed with three students who major in Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea. As we were interested in issues related to environment, especially plastic waste, we came to do the graduation project together with common interests. With excellent composition, ideas, and design skills, we wanted to create a space that doesn't exist in Korea and tried to make it originative and popular.

Also, RE:Plastiground project is completed by different fields as the students all have minor majors of Architecture, Urban Planning and Engineering, and Entrepreneurship. We used each knowledge to make architectural approaches and developments, discover sites and devise creative exhibition programs.

With greater knowledge and interest in plastic recycling as we work, we participated in "Seoul is Museum of Art" — co-hosted by Seoul City and Hanyang University — to create a new square in the underdeveloped area with plastic upcycling pavilions and lights.



Client: -

Manufacturer: -

Brand: -

Designer: Juyoung Lee & Juyeon Lee & Meeso Lim

Supervising Professor/ Tutor: Professor. Seyeon Bae

Country: South Korea

Photographs: © Juyoung Lee & Juyeon Lee & Meeso Lim


AS women empowerment


Calle Ocho