OPTIC: Optical Effects in Graphic Design

Some art forms have had more of an impact on the language of graphic design than others, but not many have helped contribute the same dynamism, energy and vitality as Op Art. Graphic designers today are rediscovering the optical art of the 1960s with delight, revelling in its experimentation and unexpected outcomes.

It is the purpose of ‘Optic’ to attempt a survey of optical effects in graphic design and to help distinguish their various forms.



Counter-Print is an independent publisher and online store specializing in design and visual culture. We now sell new books on design from a variety of publishers we admire, as well as stationery and homeware.

Counter-Print has been a slow burn. What started as a side project over a decade ago has gradually taken over our lives, evenings, weekends and sleep. However, we do it because we enjoy it. We love finding new sources of inspiration and sharing them and it seems like the popularity of design history has really taken off of late. We produce and curate a unique selection of books from around the world.



Author: Jon Dowling

Publisher: Counter-Print

Country: United Kingdom

Photographs: ©Thom Atkinson


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