naNea is designed to biodegrade in marine and soil environments. Most importantly, its biodegradation properties are not the result of additive technology.
naNea is the first and only synthetic textile material that has satisfied the strict Cradle to Cradle Certified® Gold standard. It is suitable for the technical and biological cycle according to Cradle to Cradle.

This implies that naNea is also suitable to be recycled along with conventional PET recycling waste streams.


OceanSafe GmbH

OceanSafe technology addresses various environmental problems of the textile industry. We help our customers - textile brands and retailers - develop circular textile items. We follow the Cradle to Cradle product design philosophy and aim to implement and manifest these ideas throughout the textile industry.



Client: -

Manufacturer: OceanSafe GmbH

Brand: -

Design: OceanSafe GmbH

Country: Switzerland

Photographs: © OceanSafe


National Museum of the United States Navy


The DNA of light